Saturday, December 28, 2013
here is a comment someone posted on a video on youtube "I know the story of Mira, as she was trying to defeat the phantoms, she knew she would have to cast a spell that would enslave her in stone and keep the phantoms away forever. Yet the phantoms have over powered her, they returned and held her captive, killing her slowly as they punish her for sending them away and banishing them forever, but she has been leaving signs of her calls of help, such as phantom related objects and pictures of the unexplainable. This is what one of our adventures will be" do you think that's true? and do you think that it will be one of our adventures? i sure hope so :P anyways later peeps~rehono
hey guys check this video out i don't think all the things in it are correct but still cool
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
so i was in jamaa and this girl was telling people to send her items and she would give them a code, that is a very common scam it's even in the online safety quiz. so i told people they should not fall for it because it is most likely a scam and they all started yelling at me and calling me a bully. i was just trying to help and i got attacked... what is happening to the online gaming world? O.o ~ a very annoyed and depressed rehono
so another diamond for the gift. it looks as if bows are not going to make an appearance but there's always hope :P it might even be the last gift, you know what they say save the best for last. (like with cheesecake icecream) anyways i'm really bored sooo i think i am going to see if flower will come over :P~rehono
Friday, December 20, 2013
some new items
Todays gift is the candy table or whatever. i really don't care for it. tomorrows is a diamond or more ;D also the new den (cosmos den) is awesome even though it costs 5 diamonds i got one and it was a great choice, (even though i have to save up for a snow leopard all over again) that's all i feel like posting right now thanks for being awesome~rehono
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Jamaa Journal and Garden Items
Hey jammers! This is Stang.
I'm kinda in a rush so pictures only. Some pictures may not show.
I'm on my Stangbuddies (which is poor) so some price tags may be red.
Jamaaiday gift: Marshmellow Chair form last year.
New adventure prizes and Jamaa Journal.
I'm kinda in a rush so pictures only. Some pictures may not show.
I'm on my Stangbuddies (which is poor) so some price tags may be red.
Jamaaiday gift: Marshmellow Chair form last year.
New adventure prizes and Jamaa Journal.
Sorry there was a problem with the ice armor page (but you've seen it already).
i know i know i was to lazy to post my own so i borrowed it from a "friends" blog all credit goes to jamaa stang of animal jam buddies blog~rehono
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
okay wow i don't know how that happened the last time i posted we only had 2,973 now we have 3,010! either my computer is glitching or.. well anyways please post on the poll what you want me to do to celebrate (if you do) and i will do that. thanks so much for all the views guys you rock :D~ (a very happy) rehono
so i know i have not been on in a while. no excuse really just lazy and busy. christmas is is seven days :D can't wait for that and my birthday (getting 3ds for chirstmas and pokemon X for birthday i know sense i paid for part of it) anyways i hope your guys christmas is awesome. also once we reach 3,000 views i will hold a giveaway or a party either one i will put up a poll and you guys decide.~rehono
Friday, December 13, 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
So the gift today is a holiday sweater! i love it i am gonna log onto every single one of my accounts that i remember the passwords for. some say that's wrong but i think it's okay, animal jam headquarters doesn't mind. anyways if i am still up at 11 i will post the next gift :D and if i like it i will do the same thing
Friday, December 6, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
hey guys Rehono here still can't log into my account which is making me really upset. anyways the past few gifts have been pretty cool. also thanks for all the views you guys rock! almost have 3,000 views :D i will post more after i get this fixed, i will try and use it on my ipod. anyways enjoy the jamaalidays.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Hey my computer still won't let me log onto my account so i am using flowers computer.
anyways jamaalidays are here, the gift is cool but i like clothing items better sense i am never at my den really and neither is anyone else. deer are not here yet. there is a new way for the gifts, it's a gift calender so log in every day to get all the gifts. anyways that's all i feel like posting for now happy jamaalidays~Rehono
anyways jamaalidays are here, the gift is cool but i like clothing items better sense i am never at my den really and neither is anyone else. deer are not here yet. there is a new way for the gifts, it's a gift calender so log in every day to get all the gifts. anyways that's all i feel like posting for now happy jamaalidays~Rehono
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Hey guys so my computer wouldn't let me log in on mine so flower is letting me use her account.
so here is the newest daily explorer post. the new animal is probably coming out tomorrow when the jamaalidays start. i can't wait :D :D :D anyways i probably have to go to my grandpas later today to stack some wood with flower.~Rehono
so here is the newest daily explorer post. the new animal is probably coming out tomorrow when the jamaalidays start. i can't wait :D :D :D anyways i probably have to go to my grandpas later today to stack some wood with flower.~Rehono
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Sup everybody, so Rehono is taking today and tomorrow off, she is such a great person it bugs me she's always doing great stuff. anyways. i have not played animal jam sense before halloween. anyways so i will start posting more maybe but right now i'm off to stack wood with "rehono" for her grandpa so i can get money to buy her pokemon X and/or Y for her birthday and pitch in to get a 3DS it's all she wants for her birthday and Christmas and her parents really don't treat her as well as they should, she's a great person/friend/student/daughter and i am thankful to call her my best friend. what are you thankful for?~flower
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
so i will not be on tomorrow or Friday because i am volunteering at the church, they are feeding the homeless, me and my family volunteer every year. and on Friday we are having our family dinner, we would have it on thanksgiving but my sisters have to work and my brother only wants to come when my sisters are there. anyways. what are you doing this Thanksgiving? if you want to just comment. also there are some cool thanksgiving themed items on animal jam. if ya'll want i can post something to do with my book after i'm done. anyways happy thanksgiving have a great time and have fun on animal jam ~Rehono
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
featured jammer(s)
alright so today i am putting two featured jammers cause i couldn't decide between the two.
well tune in later for more posts~Rehono
Featured Den of the day
so i used to try to post featured dens and jammers daily but then i just stopped doing it all together but now i'm going to try and start up again, if you want to you can check this den out if it's not locked, i will post the featured jammer next, well enjoy and if you ever want to be on this list just tell me.~Rehono

My newest animal
Hey guys check out my newest animals.
i think that cheetahs are just all around adorable
oops forgot my clothes
oooh that's gotta hurt
i just love how they hop
here's my other cheetah i left it how it came except the eyes
awww so cute how they sleep
well that's it for now, remember check back daily~Rehono
so i asked and got people to ask and they finally made it! i'll post pics when i get there
this is pretty cool not the most interesting thing ever though
i guess AJHQ does listen to what jammers ask for eventually
i can't wait for jammaliday's! but I really like double gems on all games
so this has been being advertised in the back of the jamaa journal for a while, i hope it will be as good as tunnel town.
well that's all for now, i will try and post later, no promises i'm writing a book series :D stay awesome and keep checking back daily. ~Rehono
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
so i was trying to buy something from epic wonders when this happened..... totally confused me. and here is a picture of the new animal. i was hoping they would bring something cooler but this is cute. and i also asked for this a bunch so who am i to complain about them listening to me XD i also asked for cheetahs a lot i got a bunch of people to say it too so i guess aj listened to us. so i'm just guessing here but i think the update will be in a few day's or maybe on thanksgiving, wow thanksgiving is in only a week away, so anyway have a great thanksgiving, i will try to post but i have a cold so no promises. ~Rehono
Monday, November 18, 2013
so i know i have not been on but it's cause my computer was super slow and i didn't feel like taking 20 minutes just to log in post and log out, but now my computer is fixed so i will try to post more. so deer are coming to aj i would prefer hyenas or something cooler but oh well. they seem to be okay i guess. any way my moms been being blach lately but not going to bore you with my life. so have fun and check out this blog. me and my band member Megan are going to try out for american idol and the x factor so wish us luck when it comes time :) anyhoo have fun don't be nice and remember scamming = banning ~Rehono me and my band member Megan are going to try out for american idol and the x factor so wish us luck when it comes time :) anyhoo have fun don't be nice and remember scamming = banning ~Rehono
Friday, November 1, 2013
so i was playing animal jam and i went up to the place where mira is usually, right now there is a phantom but anyways. i saw a bunch of new jammers. so i decided to count them. and then i made a new friend and she started. we just sat there for about 5 or 10 minutes and these pictures show how many we saw
me and rosy saw 60 and then she had to leave.
i then saw 40 more, sometimes 2 or more at once
me and rosy saw 60 and then she had to leave.
i then saw 40 more, sometimes 2 or more at once
it may sound boring to sit there counting for 5 or more minutes. but if you have a friend everything is fun :)
(but this is fun either way)
also the answer to the riddle is you look in the mirror you see what you saw you take the saw and cut the table in half to halves make a whole you climb out of the hole
also i hope you guys had a great time last night. i had to stay home like i do every Halloween, but i made cupcakes this time so it wasn't the worst Halloween in the world. but don't let my bad time spoil your memories, and don't eat to much candy at once might get sick. actually if you don't care it's fine :P
well have a great day and i will try to post more on here and my other blog. i will also post a video later.
Friday, October 18, 2013
riddle #1
hey guys, what i'm trying to do is start this thing where i post a riddle once a day. probably won't be able to but i will post as much as i can. alright here goes nothing.
You are trapped in a room without any windows or doors, all you have is a mirror and a table how do you get out? i will post the answer later today.
You are trapped in a room without any windows or doors, all you have is a mirror and a table how do you get out? i will post the answer later today.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
hey guys check out this video if you haven't watched it already it was posted to the daily explorer the other day. well i'm really busy with my puppies so this is probably all i can post today, have a great weekend and stay safe.~rehono
Friday, October 11, 2013
something i forgot to add to my last post was that i also have to take care of my cat cause she got attacked by another cat. and i live on a farm with lot's of cows and chickens and horse's and goats. so i have to take care of all of our farm animals because my mom has a an auto immune disease called lupus, and my dad has work, and all my other siblings have moved out. so yeah i have a lot to do, i'm also getting another puppy tomorrow because it will be put down unless we get it. well that's it for this post.
hey guys i know i always have excuses for not posting, but this one is really good. my dog Hannah passed away last month, and i just got another puppy and she's a bottle baby cause the mom rejected her so she has to be fed every 3 hours. and then i have to write a book for school and i have this sickness called mono it's kinda like a really bad cold that lasts for a long long time i have been sick for over two weeks. So i'm super swamped, also i'm lazy it takes about ten minutes to log into blogger cause my computer is annoying. well sorry for ranting. i will post some more later though~Rehono
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Hey guys flower here, could you check out my new blog for my band no tomorrow, just click this link i just made it a little while ago, but please check it out if you like music~flower
Monday, August 26, 2013
hey guy's, i'm sorry i have not been posting, my dog hannah is really sick so i have been taking care of her. but anyways, onto the happy stuff, there is a new update, with a new adventure, sadly the summer carnival is ending, and school is almost back in, but anyways i wanted to show ya'll the animals i can be seen as in jamaa.
Friday, August 9, 2013
sorry i have not been posting. well as you all know there is a new land, kimbara outback, and now there is even a store there, also kangaroos are here and koalas are back, and also the most exciting news is that spikes are coming back, some people that already have spikes have been running around saying they do not want spikes back, i think that's a bit selfish because what about the people who don't have them? well anyways, i will not be posting all week i am going to be on vaction :D :D.~rehono
Thursday, July 11, 2013
hey everyone, the wait is finally over. adventures are now for everyone! and there is a new adventure too, also they came up with a new game that looks really fun, and finally......A NEW LAND!!! it hsould be coming in the next update or two. well that's mostly what the update is have fun on the adventure~rehono
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
And so it was that the Sky Father was named Zios. He created many stars and planets and set them in motion. But after eons of creation, he became lonely. So he created the Sky Mother, a blue heron and named her Mira.
Mira was beautiful and kind and they were very happy together. She loved Zios deeply and often told him how talented he was, encouraging him to create. Together, Zios and Mira created their masterpiece: a lush land filled with oceans, mountains, meadows, and all kinds of plants and animals. They named this special world Jamaa, and for hundreds of years, the world and its animals were at peace. But today, all is not well in Jamaa. A mysterious dark force has crept into the land, stealing away animals and ruining the beauty of Jamaa. Mira was heartbroken after losing her companion spirit, Zios. Her feelings of sadness and anger fell to the earth of Jamaa. Mira's tears mixed with the elements of Jamaa and formed the dark mysterious Phantoms that rule this land today. Because of the sadness and anger they were created from, The Phantoms' only goal is to bring destruction and chaos to Jamaa.
i do not take credit for this post i found it on my friends blog please check it out :)
Mira was beautiful and kind and they were very happy together. She loved Zios deeply and often told him how talented he was, encouraging him to create. Together, Zios and Mira created their masterpiece: a lush land filled with oceans, mountains, meadows, and all kinds of plants and animals. They named this special world Jamaa, and for hundreds of years, the world and its animals were at peace. But today, all is not well in Jamaa. A mysterious dark force has crept into the land, stealing away animals and ruining the beauty of Jamaa. Mira was heartbroken after losing her companion spirit, Zios. Her feelings of sadness and anger fell to the earth of Jamaa. Mira's tears mixed with the elements of Jamaa and formed the dark mysterious Phantoms that rule this land today. Because of the sadness and anger they were created from, The Phantoms' only goal is to bring destruction and chaos to Jamaa.
Zios and Mira
Renamed to the Alphas, there is a Shaman for every animal in Jamaa, leaving out underwater creatures. The original six shamans are: Sir Gilbert, Greely, Graham, Cosmo, Liza, and Peck. It is highly possible that only the original ones are called Alphas, and the rest are still Shamans. Many Jammers are working to get Shamans for the underwater creatures. There are also pictures of many of the other Shamans that you can color in the Art Studio. Some of them you can even print out. In the Mystery Emporium, stone statues can be bought, and bronze versions were sold for a limited time at the AJ Birthday Party.i do not take credit for this post i found it on my friends blog please check it out :)
Goal 2,000 views achieved
Hey everyone, i just wanted to say thank you sooo much for all the views! well that's all i can think of right now but thanks soo much~rehono
hey everyone here is one of the glitches that hq did not remove from the game the dolphin on land glitch! well here are the pictures of it, also i did a penguin on the dock glitch all you do is switch animals and then swim up there, well have fun trying out all these glitches and look forward to more posts~rehono

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